Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back in the Saddle

The summer is over. My daughter is safely deposited at the university, sending only occasional reports on her activities.  I did not fall apart completely when I drove away from the house she's renting with a bunch of other coeds. I wanted to, but frankly after helping her move, I was too exhausted.  I miss her, but I'm going to enjoy living vicariously through her experiences at college.

I spent a my summer walking the beach at sunrise and at sunset, and reading novels by other authors during every possible spare minute in between.

I didn't write a word of new fiction all summer, and I missed it terribly. I am reviving my "1000 words before breakfast" goal: one hour of drafting new fiction in the mornings before I take my shower.  The goal is 1000 words.  I am out of practice, but on a recent dry run I churned out 1300 words in less than an hour.  That's a good start.

I did do a "final" (ahem) edit and publish After the Fire on Smashwords. It's free. Check it out and let me know what you think. I love the main character, an insurance adjuster who's public persona is do-not-bullshit-with-me tough, but in private is sensitive and kind.

I am going to try to resume this blog.  I have so much going on, I don't want to over commit, so I am going to shoot for posting here once a week, probably on Sunday.

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