Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's NaNoWriMo!

It is finally here! I don't know why NaNoWriMo is such a big deal for me, other than that it's just so much fun. Last year I wrote a Romance and had a total blast. I'm trying to get that story published now.

I don't participate in the group writing projects in my area; for me writing is a solitary task. As far as I am concerned, NaNoWriMo is not a social event; it is a chance for me to break out and try something new. It gives me the excuse to put my numerous current projects aside and work on one (crazy) thing for a month. The Romance last year was such a blast, I started another one in December. That one needs a lot of work yet, but I think it has potential once I get around to editing and polishing it. Romance is not my favorite genre to read, but it's a total blast to write.

I'm very excited about the prospect of writing a Fantasy novel this year. I'm putting in everything but the bathtub (and maybe that): Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table; Fairies and Trolls; a titanic battle between Good and Evil Queens. And all that comes from a cursory plot outline. Who knows what else the characters will come up with once I start writing? I love to read Fantasy. I'm hoping it will be fun to write. That does not necessarily follow, of course. I may hate it, because it strikes me Fantasy will involve a whole lot more work than writing contemporary fiction or romance. I won't, know until I try, however.

NaNoWriMo only lasts a month, so if I write something totally awful, it won't be as though I spent years wasting my time. I can move on with my writing life knowing that this particular genre is not my thing. On the other hand, I might discover that my range is broader than I imagined it to be.

In any case. It's November 1 and the adventure has begun! You should know that I wrote this post weeks ago and scheduled it for publication today. I am WAY to busy right now today to blog live!



  1. You go, girl! Write like crazy, then report your progress. Good luck & happy writing.

    Straight From Hel

  2. Thanks, Helen. I'm in "the Zone" and it is sooo much fun. 19,687 words, and counting!
