Wednesday, May 12, 2010

On Closure

As I mentioned recently, I have not written any new fiction in several weeks. I've been busy processing the changes in my life and trying to make some decisions about where I want to go from here. That meant I was too distracted to start any new projects, or even work on my current WIP. Contemplating my new theme of "what next" and facing the daunting prospect of actually writing a new story that is more personal and and risky than any of the novels I've written up to now is scary.

I realized that all of the stories I have written have been experiments with genres and themes. I could spend the next year or more querying them and getting nowhere, in all likelihood. As much as I'd love to someday make money from my writing, I don't expect to make money from these early efforts. Instead of wasting my time sending out queries, I've decided to publish my entire inventory of completed manuscripts as free e-books on Smashwords. That will clear the decks for me and give me a clean slate to work with going forward. I have a couple of abandoned projects that I never completed which I may/may not someday loop back and finish, but the stories I have completed beg to be shared. I'm happy to give them away in the hope that someone might enjoy one or more of them.

Editing, formatting and cover-creating will take several weeks. Revisiting my old stories, falling in love with the characters again and reliving the joy I took in writing them may give me the motivation and courage to take the plunge to move forward and create some new stories.

I'm having a blast revisiting my stories and getting them ready to share.

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